Taste Cumbria. It was another exciting day in Cockermouth, not just because of the estimated 40 thousand expected visitors, and not because of the predicted £3million benefit to the town, but because it gave me chance to really take time
Eden Housing Association (www.edenha.org.uk) does some great work in the community and I love the passion they put into their projects. The new play area in Penrith is a real team effort – working in partnership to make it happen.
Making headline news on Valentines Day for the Lake District Wildlife Park (www.lakedistrictwildlifepark.com) was great – sharing the cover wiht the launch of 50 Shades of Grey movie. Otterly lovely was the park story on two otters united to start
It’s very rewarding to be able to connect clients with immensly tallented businesses in Cumbria. At Market Sense our latest challenge was to create a market stall to represent the Lakes Free Range Egg Company (www.lakesfreerange.co.uk) at McDonald’s 40th birthday